Good morning, Toronto ... see you in March
Flight was amazing. I got some writing done which was nice, and just as the captain came on to tell us we were on our final descent, I looked out the window. The peeks of the big coastal mountains were poking up through a sea of fluffy white. I couldn't help thinking they had a lot in common with ice bergs. We came through the clouds and I felt like a submarine, until we were clear and Vancouver was finally in sight. That's when it hit me a little bit: holy shit, I'm going to the OLYMPICS!
Once back on the ground, the volunteer posse quickly regrouped at the baggage claim. One of the women I'd met was on her way downtown as well so we tried out the SkyTrain together.
Holy smokes that thing is rad. New, clean, fast and convenient. Nice one, Vancouver.
I jokingly said to her while waiting for my bags, "Gee I hope a nice young man appears to help me lug all this stuff, or I don't know how I'll ever make it to the ticket pick-up." Let me tell you, you put something out in the universe and usually it comes back. Today the timing was impeccable because a nice young man DID in fact carry my bag all the way from the SkyTrain to the Ticket pickup. Stop rolling your eyes. I think he saved my spine from a compression injury.
Once we had our tickets to the opening ceremonies dress rehearsal, we were off to the Hyatt to wait for our shuttle north.
I got some amazing and inexpensive sushi from around the corner and had myself a little picnic sitting on my gear downtown Van. It was sunny, and warm ... not at all like February in Toronto.
The bus ferried me to Squamish where I met my amazing hosts for the next three weeks, Nate and Jackie (and Dez the dog, too). I was kind of volunteered-out by that time so it was nice to get to Squamish and take some big deep breaths, enjoy the scenery and make myself at home.
Rabid Team Spirit
Gerhard is in Sweden at the moment -- he'll be coming back on Valentines Day -- so for now I have our room to myself. I hit up the Save-On grocery store and made a batch of soup to have on hand. And now, I'm trying hard to push myself to stay up, but I think I'm about to fail on that tip.
So in summary, made it safe and sound with all my effects. Made some new friends, traded some pins, rode every type of transportation besides a boat -- but did get within 20 feet of one. Beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, positive vibes. Just wish I'd brought my mountain bike! It's like spring here!
Night Night!
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