Friday, March 20, 2009

I feel funny ...

Please excuse this interruption to regularly scheduled programming. But I just wanted to say thanks to NeoCitran for making me feel so nice. I warmed up that 8 oz of water, and carefully poured the powder-pack contents into my big red mug, careful not to let any of those precious crystals escape. I waltzed around my kitchen sipping NeoCitran goodness while waiting for my next hot drink - chai - to brew.

It's been scarcely half an hour since and my sore throat feels coated in honey. My headache has been replaced with a soft fuzzy feeling and it feels like I'm floating away.

A little while longer and the aches in my arms and legs are gone. Suddenly I feel like I could bust off 100km without breaking a sweat. I haven't coughed in like, 20 minutes.

So thank you NeoCitran for making my day.

The truth is, I needed the pick-me-up. I really thought I was going to make it through the entire winter without being sick. I faithfully took all my vitamins every day. I washed my hands. I got enough sleep. But, it just wasn't meant to be I guess.

Falling ill is every athlete's thorn in the side. It derails all the calm, collected focus you've been practicing all winter and fills your head with doubt. Should I train through? Am I really that sick? What if it takes me out for a week? How much fitness is this going to cost? How do I get back to pre-illness fitness in the least time possible?

This close to the season, I'm especially anxious. No wonder I have ... er, had (thanks again NeoCitran!) ... a headache.

My strategy? Lie down and take it. Get it over with, and then get on with it.

Stay calm, carry on.


  1. Yes, good strategy. Much better than risking getting sicker. I've asked friends and relatives who are MDs about this before, and there's significant risk that training while sick can weaken your immune system even more and let the infection spread deeper into the lungs (even heart I think)...not good. Taking a week off isn't going to have much effect on your training, and the risk isn't worth it.

    Anyway get better soon! :)


  2. Kris...Go to bed. Enjoy a good book. Drink lots of water.
    Wash your hands. Gargle with salt and water.
    Sleep. Continue your vitamins. Eat properly.
    You'll be better in a few days.

    Love Mom
    (I'm almost better too)
