If I'm not careful, it's going to be a whole month gone by before I check in here again. So here's a quick note to say hello, and provide an overview of what's been going on in the "off-season".
1) Vacation!!

G and I packed up and headed out on a helluva deal to the Mayan Riviera. No hurricanes, fantastic weather and sunburn free. We tried to relax, but we're just too antsy in our pantsy (it's what I like about us!) and ended up doing all kinds of fun activities, mainly in the ocean with the fishies and the rays and the turtles. I even got out for a dive and saw a pair of enormous barracudas! However, despite the sea life being the most memorable part of our trip, we don't have an underwater camera so I can't share :( Our above-water camera did capture some great memories for us though and you can see those on facebook.
2) Bikes
I still can't decide. Lord help me. I want to have the guts to go with the 29er, but I've never even sat on one before so I'm having difficulty feeling confident pulling the trigger on that one when the other choice is a bike I
know I will love. Sweet Pete's has a FS 29er demo in the shop now, so maybe after riding that one it will make more sense to me. I rode one on the streets the other day (also FS) and I was so intimidated walking up to it my resolve was totally shaken. you can fit a whole 26 inch wheel INSIDE a 29er!! It feels like getting on a horse! What to do??
3) Training
... has begun!! Much more motivated this year and much more on track. Look out!! I leave the bike at home except for commuting and weekend rides this time of year, so running is the name of the game. Monday's run was so nice -- sunset burning the edges of the clouds, temperature just right, spotted some wildlife (fox!) and was even on par with last year's pacing. I did wipe out though, which was embarrassing, but thankfully not a disaster or anything.
4) Work
Full speed ahead! Check out
ontario.ca/progress to read about our last year. We just had our big Liberal AGM this past weekend and we are good to go for the year leading up to the election. The Premier made a speech that got me choked up no less than four times and I truly wish for every Ontarian to see it too.
Premier McGuinty Keynote Speech - OLP AGM Saturday, October 16, 2010 from Ontario Liberal Party on Vimeo.
5) Reading
I just finished a pile of books (thank you vacation and rainy TTC days!) and would recommend all of them:
Never Be Sick Again, by Raymond Francis.
This one looks at "getting sick" from the perspective of your cells. I know it sounds like dry material, but it has really changed the way I do my grocery shopping, how I feel about those mini-trampolines our parents had in their basements, and even where I leave my blackberry when I go to sleep. Raymond Francis is a researcher with degrees from MIT so it isn't some hippy dippy trippy malarky. Urge everyone to check it out.
Room, by Emma Donoghue
This novel was our book club pick and I read it way too fast on the beach in Mexico -- couldn't put it down. It's written from the perspective of a five year old who lives with his mother in Room. For him, Room is the world. For her, Room is the prison "Old Nick" has kept them in for seven years. It was an amazing story of what a mother can do to protect her son and raises lots of thought provoking questions I can't wait to discuss with the girls!
Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd
I picked this off the shelf because it was skinny. I found out that despite it being skinny, it wasn't always light. In the back the author says that when she finished writing it, she was homesick for "the pink house" and its inhabitants, a sisterhood of love. now that I'm finished reading it I'm with sue. It's one of those books you make friends with. I haven't seen the movie yet, but i'm eager to see what they do with it.
I think that's all I've got for an update ... hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather and riding.
Anyone looking for road riding buddies, please think of me!